"Animals give me more pleasure through the viewfinder of a camera than they ever did in the crosshairs of a gunsight. And after I've finished "shooting," my unharmed victims are still around for others to enjoy. I have developed a deep respect for animals. I consider them fellow living creatures with certain rights that should not be violated any more than those of humans. "

Jimmy Stewart

"I am an African, not because I was born in Africa but because Africa is born in me."
Nkwame Nkrumah

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The Lost City: Visit Mapungubwe Hill, where a far developed African civilisation prospered between 1200 and 1270 AD. The area was already inhabited by a growing Iron Age community from 900 AD and became rich through trade with faraway places like Egypt, India and China. This is the place where archeologists excavated the famous golden rhino and other evidence of a wealthy African kingdom.

Wildlife and Mystic Scenery: Sandstone formations, mopane woodlands and unique riverine forest and baobab trees form the astounding scenic backdrop for a rich variety of animal life. Elephant, giraffe, white rhino, eland, gemsbok and numerous other antelope species occur naturally in the area. Lucky visitors might spot predators like lions, leopards and hyenas. Birders can tick off 400 species, including kori bustard, tropical boubou and pel’s fishing owl.

Joining Nations: The Iron Age civilization of Mapungubwe was not limited by the Limpopo river and animals have always been able to wander around in the area of present-day South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. This is why South Africa signed a memorandum of understanding with Botswana and Zimbabwe on June 22nd setting out principles for the Limpopo-Shashe Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA)


  • The elephant´s foot is formed in such a way that it is essentially walking on tiptoe, with a tough and fatty part of connective tissue for the sole
  • This spongy "shock absorber" helps an elephant to move silently
  • The sole of the foot is ridged and pitted; this contributes to the sure- footedness of the elephant for a large variety of terrain.
  • An elephants five toes are buried inside the flesh of the foot.
  • Not all toes have toenails.
  • The circumference of the forefoot is approximately equal to half the the shoulder height!

The African Buffalo are gregarious animals and form herds of 15-300 individuals, although there have been sightings of 800 and more in a herd.

You might also see bachelor herds of 4-20 male African Buffalo.

When there are large herds of African Buffalo, the male African Buffalo will always be in the front and at the back of each herd to protect the calves and females of the herd.

When the African Buffalo is injured by a predator, it is regarded as one of the most dangerous animals on the Earth ....

The African Buffalo, often called the Cape Buffalo, is a very large grazing mammal and can be very dangerous when wounded or cornered.

The life expectancy of the buffalo is 15-23 years.

The African Buffalo is not found in any areas with an annual rainfall of less than 250mm. They utilize open woodland with some dense undergrowth normally near permanent watercourses